
Home Remedies for Infertility

As virtually all couples trying to have a child will have conceived within a year, it is likely that failure to do so within this time means that there is a fertility problem. The woman may not be ovulating, or there may be a physical impediment such as blocked fallopian tubes preventing the sperm reaching the egg. Alternatively the man may have a low sperm count. Sorting out what is precisely amiss — and how to put it right — is not necessarily very complex but requires specialist help, so there is not much that a couple can do on their own to increase the likelihood of successful conception. The following suggestions may, however, be useful.

The woman can buy a special kit from the chemist to ascertain that she is ovulating and if this is the case then it is appropriate to ensure that intercourse takes place most frequently around this time — in the middle of the menstrual cycle usually two weeks after the cessation of her monthly period.

The cause of infertility on the male side — a low sperm count—is readily determined by performing a semen analysis. There may be several reasons for this — one of which, the temperature in the scrotum, can be treated by a simple home remedies for infertility.

Home Remedies for Infertility
Cold water: A cool ambient temperature is necessary for adequate sperm production—which is why the testes are conveniently placed outside the body. Ideally, to increase sperm numbers it would be desirable to enhance this effect by keeping the testes artificially cool throughout the day. Urologists have been working on a device that might achieve this — a sort of glorified jock strap through which cold water circulates continuously. Regrettably the prototype seems to have an insuperable design defect which results in the steady drip of icy water down the wearer's leg. A simple alternative is to immerse the scrotum in a large cup of cold water three times a day for at least ten minutes. The result has been described by Mrs Ann Claxton from Bristol:

‘My husband was told he was almost completely infertile by a fertility expert. His sperm count was 2. j million per milliliter which was described as "grossly abnormal ... fertility must be low if present at all". He was advised to spray his testicles for ten minutes morning and evening with cold water and to wear loose underpants. Within three months his sperm count had risen to 56 million, and I subsequently had three pregnancies in five years — two at the first at¬tempt.’

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