
Home Remedies For Thrush - Live Yoghurt, Vinegar, Etc...

Thrush is caused by a yeast — Candida albicans — which commonly resides harmlessly in the vagina where it causes no symptoms. Factors that upset the delicate ecology of the vagina will result in the proliferation of the yeast, giving rise to the typical symptoms of itchiness and a white discharge. These include antibiotics taken for infections elsewhere in the body, hormones such as the contraceptive pill and HRT, or irritation of the vagina by tampons or insufficient lubrication at intercourse.

The antifungal preparation Canes tan is an excel¬lent cure for thrush and can be purchased readily over the counter from the chemist. This is much the best solution for the one-off attack. Those prone to recurrent episodes of thrush should consider the following remedies.

Home Remedies For Thrush
Salt and water: Much relief can be gained by adding a good handful of salt to a bidet or shallow bath and swishing around in the resulting brine.

Vinegar: Vinegar has a similar acidity to the vagina, which is believed to control the proliferation of the yeast. Vaginal acidity can be restored by douching in a mixture of four teaspoonfuls of vinegar to half a liter of warm water.

Hair dryer: Drying the vaginal area with a hairdryer rather than a towel will minimize irritation of the region.

Clothes: Warm and damp environments promote the growth of yeasts so it is advised that loose fitting cotton underwear should be worn close to the skin. Cutting the gusset out of tights promotes circulation of air to the genital area.

Live yoghurt: Live yoghurt contains the harmless bug lactobacillus and helps suppress the proliferation of Candida in the vagina. It is advised that a pot of live yoghurt eaten every day will control the irritation and a small amount on the tip of a tampon can be introduced directly into the vagina.

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